Change your path on Earth, no one can, you're only going to own it from birth to death; but to supplement it with a positive opportunity is presented to you by using the method that will be presented to you here on the pages of my website.
Harmony with nature
Spiritual development
Cosmoenergy promotes a lifestyle that is in harmony with nature. More than the treatment of symptoms, Cosmoenergy strives to bring balance into daily life so that your own inner healer can bring about an optimal state of health.
The ancient knowledge of the healing of people, animals and plants by Cosmoenergy channels, has five hundred years of recorded history. It is a knowledge, which long ago was discovered by the wise men of our past. For ease of reference, these Universal Cosmoenergy channels have been named «COSMOENERGY». These channels are made up of constant, pure and invisible energy levels originating as a form of energy information.
The specialists (Healer) in the sphere of Cosmoenergy are not just physicians, they are healers; they are able to combat not only physical ailments, but emotional, mental and information disorders as well. Cosmoenergy specialists allow us to use the rational forces of the Universe’s non-material information components, which we conditionally call «cosmic channels».
It does not deny nor replace allopathic medicine and it is not used to diagnose, prescribe, cancel or change the dosage of any medications that were prescribed to the patient by their attending doctor.
People are responsible for their way of life, which lies only on them.
Our illnesses are often the surface manifestations of deep spiritual or mental disorders, stresses or anxieties.
The method of Cosmoenergy is not associated with any religions or saints and is accessible to everyone who wishes to learn it. The names of all channels used in the method are only arbitrary. Any person, regardless of their national identity and religion, wants to be healthy and happy. Among Cosmoenergy supporters we can meet a lot of people with different religious commitment. Cosmoenergy fields are boundless and inexhaustible and possess cleaning, medicinal and protective properties.
It involves having the patient establish a mental connection with the universe so the different channels of Cosmoenergy will be focused on the patient. The healer functions as a coach to enable this process. The healer operates strictly as it is taught. Just as the work of his teacher. Powered stamp. His personal adds nothing. Method preserves the purity and high quality of the channel, so the result of the maximum recovery of the patient.
A systematic method for the study and use of this cosmic energy for the purposes of healing has been and is being unearthed and updated. It involves channeling the different cosmic channel through the healer and focusing it on the patient, with attention and respect to the patient’s various physical, mental or psychological illnesses, problems and difficulties. Thus, the approach and intended focus of the healer is on that of the whole person. The channeled cosmic channels wash over and penetrate the bodies, both the physical and the subtle, and consciousness’s of the patient – working towards gradual dissolution of negativity on every level a given problem inhabits.
The methodology of Cosmoenergy does not work to heal separate areas of the human body, as does the clinically derived solution of a concrete problem: the person is treated as a single (whole) entity rather then a set of bones, muscles and organs.
Health and destiny do not exist separately from each other. During healing, the patient’s destiny as well as his or her health changes for the better.
Cosmoenergy fields are boundless and inexhaustible and possess cleaning, medicinal and protective properties. Streams of harmony, love, creativity and beauty help us in reaching and clear, peaceful mind and consciousness, pure ideas and a sound body.
The purpose and goal of the Cosmoenergy healer is not to merely ease the patient’s condition for a span of time, but to permanently rid the patient of illness.
It is hard work – first and foremost of all for the patient. He must work on himself, seeking to always better his ills in every aspect of thoughts, words and deeds. This self-censorship is an important part of healing, and it is what all who wish to recover and all who wish to heal – both healers and patients - must strive for. But, hard as it may be, we shall always have help in these endeavors. Channels of Cosmoenergy contain «programs» on healing our different bodies and states, form physical to emotional, on the cleansing of objects and space surrounding us, and on the protection from negative influences. Curative streams are capable of penetrating the entire body, cleansing and supporting the well-being of each part of us, each weakened cell. They aid the break-up and dissolution of negative deposits which have built up in us, filling us instead with a vital strength and clarity.
Curative Cosmoenergy never will cause harm to anybody or anything.
The uniqueness of this method consists of the healer’s ability to direct the energy in order to influence every part of the patient’s organism; thus the Cosmoenergy healer is the conductor of pure cosmic channels , using it for complex healing of the entire person.
In Cosmoenergy, energy- informational fields are called «channels». During the course of the existence of the knowledge, which has recently reached us, more than two hundred active Cosmoenergy channels have been discovered and studied. The channels differ from each other by the nature of their properties. Energy information intended for mankind has always taken the form of streams or channels, and now the results of treatment by the method of Cosmoenergy are confirmed by examinations in highly-advanced medical clinics. The effect of influence is obvious. The list of cured illnesses shakes the imagination.
Cosmoenergy does not itself attempt to deny or replace allopathic medicine, homeopathy, acupuncture, etc.; it only supplements and expands them, proving in practice that the combination of ancient wisdom with the achievements of our modern science result not in contradiction, but in an efficient and amazingly effective method of healing.
A person is part of the Universe, part of the biosphere of Earth, and of his society. The human body is a system. All parts of the system (organs, for example) have information-energy fields and, through them, the power of communication. If energy circulates correctly and the power balance is observed, bodies never will be ill. Normal circulation of energy in the person is influenced by many factors: weather conditions, the phases of the moon, the structure of stars, the attitudes of surrounding people, character traits, the force of reaction to external events, etc.
Everything in the Universe is interconnected.
All of live and lifeless nature makes up a single organism, a single whole. This interrelation is manifested not only and not so much through direct physical contact of bodies with each other, as through the exchange of information-energy on the level of their energy fields. Mankind has always known the phenomenon of influencing from a distance. In the simple case of magnets, it is explained by the knowledge of magnetic energy fields around objects; in the case of an entire person, it is done through their biofield.
In 1994, the U. S. National Institutes of Health (NIH) established the term «Biofield». A Biofield is an ensemble or matrix of different energies that extend outward from each person’s body. According to the latest theories and research in biophysics, the Biofield comprises many of the life energies to human wellness.
The knowledge of the existence of a human beings biofield has its roots in extreme antiquity, and it has long since been scientifically proven that energy fields exist around the material bodies of all live and lifeless natural forms. A person’s physical body consists of atoms and molecules, which also possess fields. The combination of the individual fields on the atomic and molecular levels results in the entire bio-field of the person. One of the most important properties of a person’s biofield is that, according to the laws of physics and just as any other field, it is boundless. Modern devices are not capable of fully analyzing most of our biofield because of its vast size and small relative intensity, but the biofield directly around our physical body, the aura, is known to be registered by many modern devices. We now have diagnostic complexes especially designed for the study of auras as a combination of one’s physical body and its biofield.
Just as our physical bodies have their anatomy, our subtle bodies have theirs, which spatially corresponds within the physical. The invisible power centers known, as chakras are really places of concentration of our subtle body energies. The healthy functioning of chakras is essential in Cosmoenergy, as the healer works to help these subtle energy centers maintain a level of maximum efficiency, purity and balance. The first condition for those patients interested in beginning sessions of healing by means of Cosmoenergy is the gaining of familiarity with the methodology of Cosmoenergy. The healer’s work with a patient is measured in sessions and follows a certain procedure. First the patient indicates which problems and symptoms are of concern. Then the healer determines approximately how many sessions will be required to correct the imbalances, and what assistance is necessary from the patient. The actual time of the sessions is determined according to the patient and healer’s schedules. The usual treatment frequency is 10 - 15 sessions, 1-2 months break.
Lecture of Emil Bagirov
Quantum Law of Physics states that a change in quantity ultimately leads to a change in quality of an object. The same reasoning applies to spiritual development of a human being, as we are first born. The law of cause and effect states that for every action there is a reaction. The same applies in the universe. The law of conservation of energy states that matter can neither be created nor destroyed. These laws apply to everything on the physical level as well as energetic and informational level.
Everything in the universe is made up of three components: the physical component, the energetic component and the informational component.
The human form does not only consist of a physical body. There are seven bodies all together: one physical body and six energetic bodies. The first three bodies outside of our physical body make up the aura. The next three are the soul. All seven bodies are interrelated and directly affect each other.
The ether body is the first energetic body that surrounds our physical body and it is attached to our physical body. It directly impacts the way we feel physically and every deviation from the norm can be immediately felt on a physical level. The condition of the ether body is directly impacted by our actions. All negative actions create consequences such as mentioned in the law of cause and effect, and thus impact our health and well-being.
The astrological body contains our emotions and wishes. All wishes and emotions do not vanish, as mentioned in the law of conservation. Since our emotions are energy and information, they follow the above law. In turn, all of our wishes and emotions are stored in the astrological body, which in turn affect our physical body.
The mental body records all of our thoughts. This body is responsible for our conscious thinking and reasoning. Thus, since our aura is made up of the first three bodies outside of the physical body, it is therefore made up of our actions, emotions, wishes, and thoughts. A positive aura will prolong the lengths and quality of our lives, a negative aura will do the opposite.
The causal body may be at any place at any time. This is the body that seeks to spiritually develop and perfect itself and «learn». This is the voice within us that seeks to learn and progress. This body is reincarnated from life to life where it learns to perfect itself and gather information before taking a leap to the next step. This body contains our subconscious memory and knows everything about everything.
The «I» body is called «Athma»; this is the spark of God. This is a «spark» of perfection and it comes from God, it is a spark of the absolute body listed below. It is perfect and may not be changed or altered.
The absolute body is the body of absolute perfection. It is perfect and may not be changed. It is a part of the universe as a whole.
Chakras may be described as supercomputers. They instruct our organs on how to operate and contain the programs on how to control other aspects of our lives that relate to each chakra, such as love, financial success, etc.
1st chakra – contains all of the potential energy and life force of a human being. It is responsible for function of the lower body and legs. This chakra is responsible for life and death.
2nd chakra – it is responsible for sexual well-being and reproduction. There is a picture of an alligator, which signifies that if one does not have a healthy perception of sex; he or she may be a danger to society like an alligator, which devours everything in its path.
3rd chakra – controls the stomach and intestines. It is located several inches above the bellybutton. It is also responsible for one’s intellect and willpower as well as material wealth and social status. The animal that is pictured is a sheep, which signifies that if one is obsessed with money and power, he or she becomes like a sheep.
4th chakra – the heart chakra. It is responsible for love. It signifies the importance of having god’s love for everyone and everything as well as being understanding and helpful. The chakra is also responsible for knowledge. The more knowledge one has, the more he or she is able to love unconditionally instead of being obsessive and having «selfish» love for someone in particular or something.
5th chakra – it is responsible for everything above the heart such as lungs and head. It is responsible for how communicable one is and is called the chakra of «character». Communication is very important and one can control many aspects of his life as well as others through speech, singing mantras, and prayers. This chakra is signified as a sun with 16 petals, it is our «sun». An elephant is pictures to signify a wise and strong animal.
6th chakra – is responsible for emotional well-being. As one develops the first five chakras, the sixth will develop as well. It is also responsible for the «sixth» sense.
7th chakra – is responsible for communicating with the universe, it is located on top of our heads and looks like a lotus flower.
Consciousness vs. subconsciousness.
When one is vividly awake and active, his or her subconsciousness is dormant. The consciousness, however dislikes repetition and ultimately puts everything repetitive in the subconscious «library». For example, when you are driving a car, you are no longer paying attention on the driving part; your body does it automatically. What was once done consciously when you were learning how to drive is now done on a subconscious level, as well as, with walking or knitting. You are thinking and talking at the same time and your subconsciousness tells your body what to do.
When you are trying to diagnose a patient’s chakra, tell yourself: «I want to see the chakra with my inner sight and put my hands on it.» Your sub consciousness will lead you to the chakra, since it knows exactly where it is. When you wish to see the chakra, you are consciously giving yourself a command to see it on a subconscious level. The sub consciousness is all-knowing.
Cosmic channels — there are 33 million higher spiritual beings and around 200 cosmic channels.
When using cosmic channels, we are not diagnosing a particular disease and choosing an appropriate cure, the channels are very intelligent and know exactly what to do. The only thing we should focus on doing correctly is precisely following the steps described, with this method of the ancient knowledge of our Earthly-Information life.
Almost five centuries of knowledge!
Emil Bagirov, has kept the research consistent with the laws of physics, medicine and psychology. He has referred students to work properly as provided by Petrov’s teachings.
Method Classic Cosmoenergy School Emil Bagirov — is the code name.
E. Bagirov retained contemporaries received from Petrov knowledge. In addition, he spent a lot of research, trying to explain the unexplainable using physics, medicine and psychology. The Method of Emil Bagirov is confirmed by the results of research studies, articles and patents. The Bagirov School provides knowledge, both in medical college and with private practitioners, the school is structured for the graduate seeking higher level of education (post graduate).